
How to take Maxman Penis Enlargement?

How to take Maxman Penis Enlargement?
Maxman has been regarded as the best effective Penis Enlargement pill, however, there are also some clients complain that it is not effective. The ingredients and the Clinical trials shows that Maxman can increase the penis size for 3-8 inches in 3 months. MAXMAN IV penis enlargement Pill can enlarge your penis and prolong the sex time naturally. We can promise that you can get a magic effect after taking the pills for 3 months. The effect for the MaxmanIV Sex Capsules can last long for life time. Because the MAXMAN IV penis enlargement Pill is 100% herbal and natural, so it can be taken as the dietary supplement. And as the feedback we got from the clients. Large amount of the side effects are caused by the wrong taking method. So here we will explain the right taking method for the Maxman Penis Enlargement Pills.

1. Watch your diet:
Maxman Penis Enlargement is made of all herbal and natural Chinese traditonal ingredients, so you should watch your diet while you are taking the Maxman pills. You can not take other sex medicine together with MAxman. Take some sea food instead of the meat which contains large amount of fat. Some bad habits such as smoking and over drunk, and also stop drinking tea, coffee and wine. For thoes elements would reduce the Maxman effect.
2. Suitable time to take Maxman:
There are 2 taking method for the Maxman, the first one is to take in the morning after breakfast with warm boiling water. You can take it everyday for daily care and it will make you increase the penis size in 3 months. The second way is to take it 10-15 mins before sex intercourse. It can help you to get a hard and long term erection. You need to take 2 capsules of Maxman II per time. And only take 1 capsule per day for other Maxman product.
3. Doing exercises:
As we all know, it is not easy get the penis to get growth again. so if you only take the Maxman, it would not get the best effect. So some penis exercises will be very important. To get a hot and cold water bath everyday. It is better to get a hot bath for 3 mins and then change to a cold water bath. And after getting bath, you should put some spray onto the penis and stock it for more than 15 mins.
4. Doing sports:
According to the research, the fatter, the men is, the lower sex ability the men would have. So it is better to get back to normal weight before you eating the Maxman. The one who is 20 pounds more than your normal weight will be regarded to obesity and will effect your sex ability!