Premature ejaculation is mostly due to the weakening of the cerebral cortex inhibition process which is usually caused by the high Senior sexual excitability, weakened inhibition of primary spinal cord ejaculation process, as well as sacral ejaculation excitability excessive. Clinical experience has shown that training factors has strong effect on the ejaculation duration. The treatment of premature ejaculation is nothing more than improve ejaculation stimulation threshold. In this article, we will explain some real useful method to prolong the erection time and cure Premature ejaculation.
After Local anesthesia, and then along the dorsal penile 0.5 cm from the Coronal parallel cut about 3 cm incision, separating the layers to BUCK fascia to the the distal free both sides of the dorsal nerve to Coronal, will be distributed in the distal glans branched portions cut off, and then gradually suture layers. Surgical treatment of premature ejaculation is not so effective, what is worse, surgery need to cut down the dorsal penile nerve and nerve grow up again. Some surgery would not reach any good effect but to bring some side effects to the erection, so taking some Male Enhancement pills will be better to prolong the erection.
Male Enhancement products:
There are 2 kinds of Male Enhancement products which can prolong the sex time: the internal and external use. There are many real herbal and effective famouse internal use Male Enhancement capsules such as Hard Ten Days capsules, Maxman 40% capsules, African Black ant sex pills, etc. The main function of the Male Enhancement sex pills is to make the Cerebral cortex inhibition stronger and also increase the energy and blood flow. The famous extrnal use is the sex spray such as dragon sex spray and procomoil sex spray. The main function of the sex delay spray is to reduce the sensitivity of the glans. Patients with premature ejaculation always has delicate and sensitive skin on the glans.
Interrupted sexual skills: As we all know that some amount of premature erection are caused by habit. Here are some skills that can stop such bad habbit and prolong the erection. When the men feel the premonition of ejaculation, please stop the thrust penis, just let it stay in the vagina. And because the vaginal are getting expansion, so the penis head will not contact with the vaginal wall, and it can reduce the glans sensitivity and sexual excitement. The men can continue the sexual intercourse after the ejaculation premonition completely disappeared. so repeated intermittent sexual intercourse can prevent premature ejaculation and prolong the erection time.